“I laughed, I cried, I shared beautiful memories with my daughter. The St. Philomena Retreat is well worth the time and expense. I highly recommend it.” Megan G., Mom
“It was a really fun weekend of one-on-one time with my mom. Plus, the talks were really good!” Mary Jane G., Daughter
“It’s a wonderful opportunity to celebrate and learn about the beauty and sanctity of femininity with your daughter. My favorite part was being able to honor the gifts and individuality of my daughter at the special diner. The one-on-one time with her and all our discussions during the sessions were very special and deepened our relationship.” Theresa S., Mom
“The St. Philomena Retreat really taught me the dignity we have as women of God and how to use and protect that dignity.” Brianna S., Daughter
“I have had the great opportunity to present the talk on the beauty of femininity for this retreat for years, but I never had the chance to engage in the fullness of the experience until my daughter was old enough to attend, and we finally participated together. The talks built upon one another so that as we journeyed together throughout the weekend, we both grew in our appreciation for our relationship with one another, our respect for our human dignity, and the gift of the Catholic perspective on authentic womanhood. I will treasure that weekend with my beautiful daughter for the rest of my life.”
Becky G., Mom
“It was a joyous experience for me because I could spend time with my mom — just the two of us. The way the information was presented impacted me. The presenters really showed that they really believed what they were saying. Even things I already knew were presented in a way that helped strengthen my belief in them, so each way made sense and reaffirmed the dignity of all women. It strengthened my ability to stand up for that dignity and defend it.”
Avery G., Daughter