The St. Philomena Retreat is made up of the following talks but also allows free time (with activities available), mother/daughter discussion, Mass, prayer, the opportunity to go to Confession, and lots of fun!

Talk 1: Woman at the Well

Participants are invited to reflect on John 4: 4-12 the story of the Samaritan woman at the well. Jesus wants to offer her the gift of living water and to show her that she too is a gift, precious in His sight, just like Jesus wants to share with all gathered at the retreat.

Talk 2: Retreat History/Gift of Philomena

This talk tells the amazing and inspiring story of how the St. Philomena Mother/Daughter Retreat came to be. Participants also learn about the life of St. Philomena and how she desires to be their friend from heaven.

Talk 3: The Gift of the Body

St. Pope John Paul II’s Theology of the Body is introduced, with an emphasis on being created with both a body and spirit in the image and likeness of God for the purpose of union and communion, making ourselves a gift to others.

Talk 4: The Gift of Femininity

This talk explores what it means to be female in body, mind and spirit. Participants learn about the changes that occur at puberty, physical and emotional, and how manage them in a healthy way. An emphasis is placed on the special dignity of being made in the image and likeness of God as life givers.

Talk 5: The Gift of the Holy Spirit and Mercy

God wants us all to order our lives in a way that allows the Holy Spirit to speak to us loudly and clearly. Participants explore this idea, as well as the merciful love God wishes to give us to help us live faithful lives, to make a sincere gift of our best self to Him and others.

Talk 6: God’s Great Love Story

This brief talk introduces the idea that we are all part of an amazing love story, a story that we are a vital part of because God created us and has great plans for us.

Talk 7: The Gift of You

Participants are invited to explore the ways in which God created them to be gifts with spirit, body, mind, and social dimensions. How to set boundaries to protect these gifts as well as ways to share them are other important themes.

Talk 8: The Gift of Marriage and Celibate Life

This session looks at the ways God can call us to share our lives in marriage or celibacy. The focus is the union between husband and wife in mind, body and spirit. The marital embrace and God’s plan for this intimacy is gently shared.

Talk 9: The Gift of Friendship

Friends become a very important part of an adolescent’s life at this age, so this important talk explores the different types of friendships and ways to build healthy friend relationships.

Talk 10: The Gift of Purity

A personal testimony of dating, courtship, and Catholic marriage inspires girls to make wise choices to protect their gift of purity in order to enter a fruitful, joyful marriage.

Talk 11: Darling Diane

Listen to the fun and fictional story of “Darling Diane” as she dates several young men and learns about herself and waiting for a mate who truly respects her as the gift she is. Participants are encouraged to consider what qualities are important in a future spouse.